Type III Sum
of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cycle Sphericity
3064.875 3 1021.625 17.166 .000
3064.875 2.275 1347.224 17.166 .000
Huynh-Feldt 3064.875 2.809 1091.085 17.166 .000
Lower-bound 3064.875 1.000 3064.875 17.166 .000
Cycle * Group Sphericity
1905.250 6 317.542 5.336 .000
1905.250 4.550 418.744 5.336 .001
Huynh-Feldt 1905.250 5.618 339.131 5.336 .000
Lower-bound 1905.250 2.000 952.625 5.336 .013
Error(Cycle) Sphericity
3749.375 63 59.514
3749.375 47.774 78.481
Huynh-Feldt 3749.375 59.989 63.560
Lower-bound 3749.375 21.000 178.542
Type III Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Intercept 126585.375 1 126585.375 449.008 .000
Group 8212.750 2 4106.375 14.566 .000
Error 5920.375 21 281.923
Section 14.10 Intraclass Correlation 495
Table 14.13 (continued)
b) Within-subject effects (Group 3 Cycle at Phase II)
Test of Between-Subjects Effects
Measure: MEASURE_1
Transformed Variable: Average
Tests of Within-Subjects Effects
Measure: MEASURE_1
From the simple interaction effects of Group 3 Cycle at each level of Phase, you can
see that Bouton and Swartzentruber’s predictions were upheld. There is no Cycle 3 Group
interaction on Shock trials, but there is a clear interaction on No-shock trials.
14.10 Intraclass Correlation
One of the important issues in designing experiments in any field is the question of the re-
liability of the measurements. Most of you would probably expect that the lastplace to
look for anything about reliability is in a discussion of the analysis of variance, but that is