significant contribution. That does not mean that it would not contribute to any other model
predicting SAT. (In fact, when used as the only predictor, it predicts SAT at better-than-
chance levels. R 52 .440, p 5 .001.) It only means that once we have the other predictors
in our model, Salary does not have any independent (or unique) contribution to make.
Alternative Interpretation of Partial and Semipartial Correlation
There is an alternative way of viewing the meaning of partial and semipartial correlations
that can be very instructive. This method is best presented in terms of what are called
Venn diagrams.The Venn diagram shown in Figure 15.4 is definitely not drawn to scale,
but it does illustrate various aspects of the relationship between SAT and the two predictors.
Suppose that the box in Figure 15.4 is taken to represent all the variability in the crite-
rion (SAT). We will set the area of the box equal to 1.00—the proportion of the variation in
SAT to be explained. The circle labeled LogPctSAT is taken to represent the proportion of
the variation in SAT that is explained by LogPctSAT. In other words, the area of the circle is
equal to 5 .857. Similarly, the area of the circle labeled Expend is the percentage of the
variation in SAT explained by Expend and is equal to 5 .145. Finally, the overlap be-
tween the two circles represents the portion of SAT that both LogPctSAT and Expend have
in common, and equals .116. The area outside of either circle but within the box is the por-
tion of SAT that cannot be explained by either variable and is the residual variation 5 .059.
The areas labeled B, C, and Din Figure 15.4 represent portions of the variation in SAT
that can be accounted for by LogPctSAT and/orExpend. (Area Arepresents the portion
that cannot be explained by either variable or their combination, the residual variation.)
Thus, the two predictors in our example account for 88.6% of the variation of Y: B 1 C 1
D 5 .741 1 .116 1 .029 5 .886. The squared semipartial correlationbetween LogPct-
SAT and SAT, with Expend partialled out of LogPctSAT, is the portion of the variation of
SAT that LogPctSAT accounts for over and abovethe portion accounted for by Expend. As
such, it is .857 and is labeled as B
The semipartial correlation is the square root of this quantity.
The squared partial correlationhas a similar interpretation. Instead of being the addi-
tional percentage of SAT that LocPctSAT explains but that Expend does not, which is the
r0(1.2)= 1 .741=.861
r^2 0(1.2)=R^2 0.12 2 r^201 =.886 2 .145=.741
15.8 Partial and Semipartial Correlation 537
Figure 15.4 Venn diagram illustrating partial and semipartial correlation
0.741 0.116 0.029
Venn diagrams