follows from our definition of Xand t. Moreover, if we were to examine the significance
of the bi, given as the column of t-ratios, we would simultaneously have tests on the
hypothesis (H 0 : tj5mi2m50). Notice further that the intercept (b 0 ) is equal to the grand
mean ( ). This follows directly from the fact that we scored the ath treatment as 2 1 on all
coded variables. Using the ( 2 1) coding, the mean of every column of X( ) is equal to 0
and, as a result, and therefore. This situation
holds only in the case of equal ns, since otherwise would not be 0 for all i. However, in
all cases, b 0 is our best estimate of min a least squares sense.
The value of 5 .626 is equivalent to , since they both estimate the percentage of
variation in the dependent variable accounted for by variation among treatments.
If we test for significance, we have F 5 4.46, p 5 .040. This is the Fvalue we
obtained in the analysis of variance, although this Fcan be found by the formula that we
saw for testing in Chapter 15.
Notice that the sums of squares for Regression, Error, and Total in Exhibit 16.1 are
exactly equivalent to the sums of squares for Between, Error, and Total in Table 16.1. This
equality makes it clear that there is complete correspondence between sums of squares in
regression and the analysis of variance.
The foregoing analysis has shown the marked similarity between the analysis of vari-
ance and multiple regression. This is primarily an illustration of the fact that there is no
important difference between asking whether different treatments produce different means,
and asking whether means are a function of treatments. We are simply looking at two sides
of the same coin.
We have discussed only the most common way of forming a design matrix. This matrix
could take a number of other useful forms. For a good discussion of these, see Cohen (1968).
16.3 Factorial Designs
We can readily extend the analysis of regression of two-way and higher-order factorial
designs, and doing so illustrates some important features of both the analysis of variance
and the analysis of regression. (A good discussion of this approach, and the decisions that
need to be made, can be found in Harris (2005).) We will consider first a two-way analysis
of variance with equal ns.
F(3, 8)=
F(p, N 2 p 2 1)=
R^2 (N 2 p 2 1)
(1 2 R^2 )p
R^2 h^2
gb 1 Xj= 0 b 0 =Y 2 gb 1 Xj=Y 20 =Y
586 Chapter 16 Analyses of Variance and Covariance as General Linear Models
Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 45.667 3 15.222 4.455 .040a
Residual 27.333 8 3.417
Total 73.000 11
aPredictors: (Constant), X3, X2, X1
bDependent Variable: Y
Exhibit 16.1 (continued)