Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
As an illustration, we will consider a case of a 2 3 4 factorial with four subjects per cell.
Such a design is analyzed by the conventional analysis of variance in Table 16.2, which also
includes means, estimated effects, and values of. From the summary table, it is apparent
that the main effect of Bis significant but that the effects of Aand ABare not.
To analyze these data from the point of view of multiple regression, we begin with the
following design matrix. Once again, the elements of each row apply to all subjects in the
corresponding treatment combination.


588 Chapter 16 Analyses of Variance and Covariance as General Linear Models

Table 16.2 Sample data and summary table for factorial design
(a) Data

B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 Means

A 1 7 5 11 15
9 7 12 16
8 3 14 10
7.25 4.25 11.25 13.00 8.92750
A 2 9 8 12 14
10 9 14 10
911 812
8.75 7.75 10.75 11.75 9.75000
Means 8.000 6.000 11.000 12.375 9.34375

(b) Summary Table

Source df SS MS F
A 1 5.282 5.282 , 1 .014
B 3 199.344 66.448 11.452* .537
AB 3 27.344 9.115 1.571 .074
Error 24 139.250 5.802
Total 31 371.220


(c) Estimated Treatment Effects

ab 13 =AB 132 A 12 B 31 X..=11.2500 2 8.9375 2 11.0000 1 9.34375=0.65625

ab 12 =AB 122 A 12 B 21 X..=4.2500 2 8.9375 2 6.0000 1 9.34375= 2 1.34375

ab=AB 112 A 12 B 11 X..=7.2500 2 8.9375 2 8.0000 1 9.34375= 2 .34375

bN 3 =B 32 X..=11.0000 2 9.34375=1.65625

bN 2 =B 22 X..=6.0000 2 9.34375= 2 3.34375

bN 1 =B 12 X..=8.0000 2 9.34375= 2 1.34375

aN 1 =A 12 X..=8.9375 2 9.34375= 2 0.40625

mN =9.34375



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