Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
default method employed by SPSS. Method III sum of squares are the values labeled as
Type III SS in SAS, and now by more recent versions of SPSS.) It is also the method that
is approximated by the unweighted means solutiondiscussed in Chapter 13. (You may
recall that in Chapter 13 we saw that the traditional label “unweighted means solution” re-
ally should be the “equally weighted means solution,” if that name hadn’t been appropri-
ated in the past for a different procedure, since, using it, we are treating all means equally,
regardless of the sample sizes.) Method III essentially assumes that observations are miss-
ing completely at random, so there is no reason that a cell with more observations should
carry any more weight than one with fewer observations. If this is not the case you should
consider a different method.
As an illustration of this method, we will take the data used in the previous example
but add four scores to produce unequal cell sizes. The data are given in Table 16.5, with the
unweighted and weighted row and column means and the values resulting from the various
regression solutions. The unweighted means are the mean of means (therefore, the mean of
row 1 is the mean of the four cell means in that row). The weighted mean of row 1 , for exam-
ple, is just the sum of the scores in row 1 divided by the number of scores in row 1.
From Table 16.5 we see that , indicating that approximately 53% of the
variation can be accounted for by a linear combination of the predictor variables. We do
not know, however, how this variation is to be distributed among A, B, and AB. For that we
need to form and calculate the reduced models.

R^2 a,b,ab=.532

596 Chapter 16 Analyses of Variance and Covariance as General Linear Models

Table 16.5 Illustrative calculations for nonorthogonal factorial design
Unweighted Weighted
B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 Mean Mean
A 1 52811
7 5 11 15
9 7 12 16 8.975 8.944
8 3 14 10
A 2 73911
9 8 12 14
10 9 14 10 9.625 9.778
911 812
Unweighted Means 8.000 6.475 10.625 12.1 9.300
Weighted Mean 8.000 6.333 10.556 12.1 9.3611

Full Model

Reduced Models



R^2 b,ab=.523


R^2 a,b=.483



R^2 a,b,ab=.532
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