Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
This decrement is the sum of squares attributable to the main effect of A.
By the same reasoning, we can obtain by comparing for the full model
and for a model omitting b.

These results are summarized in Table 16.6, with the method by which they were ob-
tained. Notice that the sums of squares do not sum to. This is as it should be, since
the overlapping portions of accountable variation (segments “4,” “5,” “6,” and “7” of
Figure 16.1) are not represented anywhere. Also notice that SSerroris taken as the SSresidual
from the full model, just as in the case of equal sample sizes. Here again we define SSerror
as the portion of the total variation that cannot be explained by any one or more of the
independent variables.
As I mentioned earlier, the unweighted-means solution presented in Chapter 13 is an
approximation of the solution (Method III) given here. The main reason for discussing that
solution in this chapter is so that you will understand what the computer program is giving
you and how it is treating the unequal sample sizes.
The very simple SAS program and its abbreviated output in Exhibit 16.3 illustrate that
the Type III sums of squares from SAS PROC GLM do, in fact, produce the appropriate
analysis of the data in Table 16.5.

16.5 The One-Way Analysis of Covariance

An extremely useful tool for analyzing experimental data is the analysis of covariance.As
presented within the context of the analysis of variance, the analysis of covariance appears
to be unpleasantly cumbersome, especially so when there is more than one covariate.



SSregressiona,ab=  29.7499


SSB SSregression

598 Chapter 16 Analyses of Variance and Covariance as General Linear Models

Table 16.6 Calculation of sums of squares using Method III—the unweighted
means solution
Method III (Unweighted Means)
Source df SS
Aa 21
Bb 21
AB (a 2 1)(b 2 1)
Error N 2 ab
Total N 2 1

Summary Table for Analysis of Variance
Source df SS MS F
A 1 3.7555 3.7555 , 1
B 3 177.9556 59.3185 9.10
AB 3 19.2754 6.4251 , 1
Error 28 182.6001 6.5214
Total 35 (390.3056)


SSY(1 2 R^2 a,b,ab)

SSY(R^2 a,b,ab 2 R^2 a,b)

SSY(R^2 a,b,ab 2 R^2 a,ab)

SSY(R^2 a,b,ab 2 R^2 b,ab)

analysis of

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