which is the mean of the adjusted means. (In a case in which we have equal sample sizes,
the adjusted grand mean will equal the unadjusted grand mean.)^7
Now we are about to go into deep water in terms of formulae, and I expect eyes to start
glazing over. I can’t imagine that anyone is going to expect you to memorize these formu-
lae. Just try to understand what is happening and remember where to find them when you
need them. Don’t expect to find them printed out by most statistical software.
Any individual comparisons among treatments would now be made using these adjusted
means. In this case, however, we must modify our error term from that of the overall analysis
of covariance. If we let represent the error sum of squares from an analysis of variance
on the covariate, then Huitema (1980), in an excellent and readable book on the analysis of
covariance, gives as a test of the difference between two adjusted means
where is the error term from the analysis of covariance. For an excellent discus-
sion of effective error terms and comparisons among means, see Winer (1971, p. 771ff )
and, especially, Huitema (1980).
As an example, suppose we wish to compare and , which theory had predicted would
show the greatest difference. From the preceding analysis, we either know or can compute
[calculation not shown]
The critical value. We would thus reject the null hypothesis that the
adjusted means of these two conditions are equal in the population. Even after adjusting
for the fact that the groups differed by chance on the pretest, we find significant postinjec-
tion differences.
Exhibit 16.4 contains SPSS output for the analysis of variance. (The pretest and
posttest means were computed using the compare meansprocedure.) Notice that I
requested a “spread versus level” plot from the options menu, and it reveals that there is a
correlation between the size of the mean and the size of the variance. Notice, however, that
the relationship appears very much reduced when we plotted the relationship between the
adjusted means and their standard errors.
F.05(1, 41)=4.08
F(1, 41)=
(1.7153 2 3.1719)^2
b 1
(3.3770 2 6.4944)^2
Y 1 ¿=1.7153 Y 3 ¿ =3.1719
C 1 =3.3770 C 3 =6.4944
MSerror¿ =0.4909
Y 1 ¿ Y 3 ¿
F(1, N 2 a 2 1)=
(Y¿j 2 Y¿k)^2
b 1
(Cj 2 Ck)^2
Section 16.5 The One-Way Analysis of Covariance 607
(^7) An alternative approach to calculating adjusted means is to define
where is the covariate mean for Group j, is the covariate grand mean, and is the regression coefficient for
the covariate from the complete model (here 5 0.4347). This more traditional way of calculating adjusted
means makes it clear that the adjusted mean is some function of how deviant that group was on the covariate. The
same values for the adjusted means will result from using either approach.
Cj C. bw
Yj¿=Yj 2 bw(Cj 2 C)