- Can the pattern of cell frequencies be explained by differences in the number of people
judged Guilty and Not guilty? - Can the pattern be explained by a combination of the number of participants in the three
Moral conditions and a higher incidence of Guilty over Not guilty? - Can the pattern be explained by an interaction of Moral and Verdict—for example,
are there more judgments of Guilty when the victim is seen as being of “high moral
character” and fewer when she is seen as being of “low moral character” or “neutral
moral character”? - Can the pattern be explained by both the Moral 3 Verdict interaction andthe difference
in the number of cases where the victim was seen as high or low in Fault? - Can the pattern be explained by both a Moral 3 Verdict interaction anda Moral 3 Fault
interaction? - Can the pattern be explained by a three-way interaction involving Fault, Moral, and
Each of these possibilities—and there are a total of 18 if you count the hypothesis that
the cell frequencies are random (equiprobable)—represents a possible underlying model.
Our task will be to decide which of these models both fits the data and is parsimonious.
(I already know that the saturated model, which by definition involves the highest-order
interaction, will fit the data perfectly—but it is certainly not parsimonious.)
This list of questions corresponds directly to a list of different models. Letting F, M,
and Vstand for Fault, Moral, and Verdict, we can associate the first question with a model
specified as M. To be more precise, our underlying structural model, which is almost cer-
tainly much too simple, would be
In the same way we can write out the other models, as shown in Table 17.9.
Notice once again that this is notan analysis of variance—that is, we are not trying to
explain variability in a single dependent variable (Verdict) on the basis of two independent
variables (Fault and Moral). It is easy to keep falling into that trap. We are trying to explain
a pattern of observed cell frequencies, and the explanation may involve any or all of the
variables (dependent or independent) and their interactions. Even where you have one
clearly defined dependent variable and two clearly defined independent variables, part of
the variability may involve just the independent variables—for example, higher frequen-
cies in the Group 1 cells may be due to the often inconsequential fact that you assigned
more participants to Group 1.
646 Chapter 17 Log-Linear Analysis
Table 17.9 Some possible models for data in Table 17.8
Question Model Specification
1 M
2 V
3 M, V
4 MV
5 MV, F
6 FM, MV
7 ln(Fij)=l 1 lF 1 lM 1 lV 1 lMV 1 lFM 1 lFV 1 lFMV FMV
ln(Fij)=l 1 lF 1 lM 1 lV 1 lMV 1 lFM
ln(Fij)=l 1 lF 1 lM 1 lV 1 lMV
ln(Fij)=l 1 lM 1 lV 1 lMV