From Exhibit 17.4 you can see that the program begins with the saturated model. It
then considers what would happen if each of the two-variable interactions were removed.
We see that if the Verdict 3 Fault interaction were removed the change in the log likeli-
hood chi-square would be 36.990 on 1 df. That would be a significant decrement in the fit
of the model, so we won’t want to drop that. Similarly dropping Verdict 3 Moral would
also lead to a significant decrement. However dropping Fault 3 Moral would only produce
Section 17.7 Deriving Models 651
Exhibit 17.4 Stepwise solution
* * * * * * * *HIERARCHICAL LOG LINEAR* * * * * * * *
DESIGN 1 has generating class
Note: For saturated models .500 has been added to all observed cells. This value may be changed
by using the CRITERIA = DELTA subcommand.
Backward Elimination (p = .050) for DESIGN 1 with generating class
Likelihood ratio chi square = .00000 DF = 0 P =.
If Deleted Simple Effect is DF L.R. Chisq Change Prob Iter
Verdict*Fault*Moral 2 .255 .8801 3
Step 1
The best model has generating class
Likelihood ratio chi square = .25546 DF = 2 P = .880
If Deleted Simple Effect is DF L.R. Chisq Change Prob Iter
Verdict*Fault 1 36.990 .0000 2
Verdict*Moral 2 8.406 .0149 2
Fault*Moral 2 2.556 .2786 2
Step 2
The best model has generating class
Likelihood ratio chi square = 2.81175 DF = 4 P = .590
If Deleted Simple Effect is DF L.R. Chisq Change Prob Iter
Verdict*Fault 1 37.351 .0000 2
Verdict*Moral 2 8.768 .0125 2
* * * * * * * *HIERARCHICAL LOG LINEAR* * * * * * * *
The final model has generating class