Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
From Figure 18.6 we can see that the median Avoidance score for the Success group
was 13, and the median for the Fail group was 17. The group who failed to improve exhib-
ited more avoidance behavior early in treatment. The difference in median avoidance is 2 4.
From the output you can also see that when we model the null hypothesis, 222 of the
resamples were greater than a difference of 4, 264 results were less than a difference of 2 4,
and 486 results were greater than 6 4. Out of 10,000 samples, this represents 486/10,000 5
4.86% of the cases. Thus only 4.9% of the resampling statistics were more extreme than
our result, and we can reject the null hypothesis at a5.05. We can conclude that those in
the Fail group experienced significantly more avoidance behavior early in treatment than
those who later were classed as successes.^5

18.5 Bootstrapping Confidence Limits on a Correlation Coefficient

The standard approach to correlation problems is to calculate a correlation coefficient and
then to apply a hypothesis test with the hope of showing that the correlation is significantly
different from 0.00. However, there are a lot of significant correlations that are so low that
they are not particularly important, even if they are significantly different from 0.00. Along
with the recent emphasis on effect, size measures should be an increase in the use of confi-
dence limits.
As we saw in Chapter 9, Fisher’s arcsine transformation

provides one way to adjust for the skewed sampling distribution of rwhen r 0. An
attractive alternative is to draw bootstrapped samples on the assumption that the bivariate


11 r
12 r


670 Chapter 18 Resampling and Nonparametric Approaches to Data

Value in MEDDIFF

–10 –7.5 –5 –2.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10

Histogram of “MEDDIFF” in file “eppingmedians.sta”






Figure 18.7 Frequency distribution of median differences from Epping-Jordan
et al. (1994)

(^5) If we had run a standard ttest on the means of these data, that probability would have been .0397.

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