Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
Appendix: Computer Data Sets 695

recall interval have been deleted from the 1.0 mg/kg condition. A second data set was cre-
ated with 12 observations in each of the 9 cells, and is called Epineq.dat. In both cases, the
need to create data that were integers led to results that are slightly conservative relative to
the actual data. But the conclusions with respect to H 0 are the same.
For both data sets, there is a three-digit ID; dosage is coded (1, 2, or 3) in column 5; the
retention interval is coded (1, 2, or 3) in column 7; and the number of errors in learning the
second discrimination is coded in column 9. The first four lines of data follow:



Mireault (1990) collected data from 381 college students, some of whom had lost a parent
by death during their childhood. She had three groups of students. Group 1 was composed
of subjects who had lost a parent. Group 2 was composed of subjects whose parents were
still alive and married to each other. Group 3 consisted of students whose parents were
Mireault was interested in observing the effects of parental loss on the person’s current
level of symptomatology (as measured by the Brief Symptom Inventory, Derogatis, 1983)
and on the individual’s self-perceived vulnerability to future loss. In the interest of space,
the data set includes only the total vulnerability measure, and not the subscales. There is
also a single measure for social support. For all measures, a higher score represents more of
the concept being measured.
The variables, and their location in the file, are listed following the sample data.
Missing data are represented by a period. The first three lines of data are shown below
as an example.

00221142.. 425359574957475146511122466
00822114.. 526760626578606558651182864

Variable Name Columns Description
ID 1–3 Subject identification number
Group 5 15 loss; 2 5 married; 3 5 divorced
Gender 7 15 male; 2 5 female
YearColl 9 15 first year; 2 5 sophomore; and so on
College 11 15 arts and sciences; 2 5 health;
35 engineering; 4 5 business; 5 5 agriculture
GPA 13 45 A; 3 5 B; 2 5 C; 1 5 D; 0 5 F
LostPGen 15 Gender of lost parent
AgeAtLos 17–18 Age at parent’s death
SomT 20–21 Somatization Tscore
ObsessT 23–24 Obsessive-compulsive Tscore
SensitT 26–27 Interpersonal sensitivity Tscore
DepressT 29–30 Depression Tscore
AnxT 32–33 Anxiety Tscore
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