Answers to Exercises
I am supplying the answers to most of the odd numbered exercises. (Answers to even-
numbered items are not given because many instructors want at least some questions with-
out answers.) Some odd-numbered answers have been omitted because the question asks
that you draw a figure or compare computer output to the results of hand calculation. Oth-
ers have been omitted when the question simply asks you to apply computer software to a
set of data. Either you will be able to do that, and will almost certainly get the correct an-
swer, or you won‘t be able to set up the problem in the first place (in which case the
numerical answer is of no help). You will sometimes be frustrated because I have often
omitted answers to the Discussion Questions. Very often there is no simple answer to these
questions. On other occasions there is a straightforward answer, but I want you to think
about the problem a while and see what you come up with. Frequently you will find much
more of interest than the simple answer that I might give. I recognize that it is frustrating
when you can’t figure out what the exercise is getting at; I, too, hate those situations. But
that’s the nature of discussion questions.
More complete solutions to the odd numbered questions can be found at the Web site
for this book by clicking on the Student Manual link.