Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1

noncentrality parameters (NCPs), 232–233, 349
nondirectional test, 100
nonequivalent groups design, 611
nonlinear transformations, 54
nonoccurrences, 153
nonparametric tests, 660
non-Pearson correlation coefficients, 303
normal approximation, 675–677, 681–682
normal distribution, 21–22, 65–71
normal equations, 255
normality, 321
normality in arrays, 264
double subscripts, 31
factorial analysis of variance, 415
summation notation, 30–31
of variables, 30
null hypothesis, 91, 321, 677
about, 92–93
and error rates, 365
making decisions about, 95–96
statistical conclusions, 93–94
null hypothesis rejection, 101–102

observations, 152
observed frequencies, 142
odds, 161
odds ratios, 161, 565, 641–642
in 2 32 3 ktables, 163–164
in 2 3 ktables, 162–163
omega-squared (v^2 ), 346–347
omnibus Ftest, 609
one- and two-tailed tests, 99–101, 155–156
one-tailed test (directional test), 100
one-way analysis of covariance, 598–608
adjusted means, 605–608
assumptions of the analysis of covariance, 600
calculating the analysis of covariance, 601–605
one-way analysis of variance, 318, 583–586
ordinal interactions, 423
ordinal scales, 6–7
ordinal variables, 654
ordinate, 69
orthogonal coefficients, 375
orthogonal contrasts, 375
outliers, 21

pairwise deletion, 549
parameter, 5
parametric tests, 660
part correlation, 555
partial and semipartial correlation, 535–538
alternative interpretation of partial and semipartial
correlation, 537–538
considerations about, 538

partial correlation, 535
semipartial correlation, 535–537
partial correlation, 535
partial effects, 440
partitioning, 371
Pearson, 90, 94
Pearson correlations by another name, 294–303
Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficient (r), 252–253
Pearson’s chi-square, 140
Pearson’s chi-square versus Fisher’s exact test, 148
percent reduction in error (PRE), 346
percentage of agreement, 165
percentiles, 52, 79
percentiles, quartiles, and deciles, 52
permutation tests, 661
permutations, 661
permutations and combinations, 120–123
f^2 as a measure of the practical significance of x^2 , 300
phi (f) and Cramér’s V, 164
phi (f) coefficient, 154, 164, 298, 299
pivotal statistic, 72
platykurtic distribution, 29
plevel, 194
plotting binomial distributions, 128–130
plotting data, 16–17
point-biserial coefficient (rpb), 295
point-biserial correlation and Phi, Pearson correlations by
another name, 294–303
calculating f, 299
calculating rpb, 295
f^2 as a measure of the practical significance of x^2 , 301
point-biserial correlation (rpb), 295
r^2 pband effect size r^2 , 298
relationship between fand x^2 , 300
relationship between rpband t, 297
significance of f, 300
testing the significance of , 298
point estimate, 192
polynomial trend coefficients, 405
pooled variance estimate, 206
population, 2
population variance, 40
positively skewed, 27
possible models, 645–646
posterior probability, 124
post hoc comparisons, 365, 389–397
Benjamini-Hochberg test, 396
Dunnett’s test for comparing all treatments
with a control, 395
Fisher’s least significant difference procedure, 389
Newman-Keuls test, 393
Ryan Procedure (REGWQ), 393
Scheffé test, 394
Studentized range statistic (q), 389

r^2 pb

764 Index

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