Index 767
simple interaction effects, 451
simple main effects, 451
Simpson’s paradox, 157
simultaneous knowledge, 516
singular covariance, 528
size of an experimental effect, 343–348
d-family measures of effect size, 347–348
eta-squared (h^2 ), 344–345
omega-squared (v^2 ), 346–347
skewness, 27
slope, 254, 256
small expected frequencies, 151
software, 560
sources of variation, 327
sparse matrices, 644
Spearman’s correlation coefficient for ranked data (rs), 304
Spearman’s rho, 304
splines, 257
S-Plus (commercial software), 9
SPSS (commercial software), 9, 517, 593
square-root transformation, 340
SScells, 418
SSerror, 326
S-shaped curve, 563
SStotal, 326
SStreat, 326
standard deviation, 41–42
standard deviation as a measure of error, 258
standard error, 88, 183
alternative approaches to, 557
of beta, 556
of differences between means, 205
of estimate, 258, 259
and tests of regression coefficients, 529–530
standardization, 54
standardized regression coefficients, 257, 528–529
standard normal distribution, 71–72
using the tables of, 73–75
standard scores, 54, 79
standard set, 373
statistic, 5
statistical conclusions, 93–94
statistical software packages, 9, 560, 580
stem, 24
stem-and-leaf displays, 24–27
stepwise procedures, 548, 650–652
stepwise regression, 547, 549
Sternberg, Saul, 16
Stevens, S. S., 6
stratification, 621
structural equation modeling, 580
structural model, 320
structural models and expected mean squares, 420–421
Studentized range statistic (q), 389
Studentized residual, 542
Student’s tdistribution, 186
subjective probability, 113
success, 127
sufficiency, 45
sufficient statistic, 45
summary of the assumptions of chi-square, 152–153
summary table, 327
summation notation, 30–31
sum of squares, 324
sum of squares for contrasts, 372
sum of squares of y, 259
suppressor relationship, 548
suppressor variables, 538–539
symmetric and asymmetric models, 631
symmetric distribution, 27
symmetric relationships, 631
tabled chi-square distribution, 143–144
tables of standard normal distribution, 73–75
terminology and rules, 114–117
terms, 2–5
testing hypotheses about means, standard deviation
known, 183–185
testing models, 638–641
testing the difference between two independent bs, 273–274
testing the difference between two independent rs, 275
testing the difference between two
nonindependent rs, 277–278
testing the hypothesis that requals any specified
value, 275–276
testing the significance of b, 272–273
testing the significance of r, 271–272
testing the significance of r^2 , 533
testing the significance of , 298
test of significance, 373
test selection, 398
test statistics, 95
test statistics and their sampling distributions, 95
tetrachoric correlation coefficient, 303
the additive rule, 114–115
third quartile Q3, 39
three-way example, 645
three-way tables, 643–649
assumptions, 644
examining the saturated model, 647
hierarchical and nonhierarchical models, 644–645
possible models, 645–646
three-way example, 645
ties, 680–681
tolerance, 527
traditional approach to hypothesis testing, 91–92
trailing digits, 25
transformations, 336–343
the arcsine transformation, 341
logarithmic transformation, 338
r^2 pb