Dr. Jim Hartman’s chapter, “Sustainability and Na-
tional Security,” examines the evolution of the Army’s
sustainability program and its contributions to the nation-
al strategic security objectives. The growing world popu-
lation and imbalance of natural resources are expected
to affect US, as well as Army, interests. Dr. Hartman as-
serts sustainability is the nexus to ensure future security,
which can only be achieved through the development and
implementation of sound business practices. Dr. Hart-
man opines the Army, as a large institution, is well suited
to lead a whole of government approach to sustainability.
Dr. Kent Butts and Brent Bankus’ chapter, “Sustain-
ability: A Lens for National Security,” postulates sustain-
ability begins at the local level, but has strong implica-
tions at the strategic level. Dr. Butts and Mr. Bankus
argue the ambiguity of China’s motives to secure natural
resources in Africa and the Middle East in order to obtain
‘soft power’ to directly and negatively affect U.S. inter-
ests around the globe. Dr. Butts and Mr. Bankus address
maintaining the Bretton Woods Agreement, as well as the
1987 UN Brundtlant report to meet present needs without
compromising the needs to future generations” in the in-
terest of a U.S. sustainability strategy. This chapter takes
a view of U.S. interests at the national, as well as regional,
level and the implications for the future if sustainability
issues are not examined through a wider aperture by U.S.
Dr. Kristan Cockerill’s “The Department of Defense
promotes a Strong Offense for Promoting Sustainability”
addresses the Army’s historical role in preserving the en-
vironment. In 1890, President Benjamin Harrison direct-
ed the U.S. Cavalry to secure and protect the recently de-
veloped Yosemite National Park. The Army maintained
control of Yosemite for 26 years until the establishment of
the National Park Service in 1916 and preserved its vast
wealth of natural resources. She argues the Army has a
long history, both good and bad, when it comes to envi-