Recommendation 11: Recommend U.S. Army and
U.S. Air Force initiate Capability Based Assessments
focused on projected force structure and capabilities
required to effectively accomplish future missions un-
der a changing climate, and impacts to installations
and infrastructure due to sea level rise and extreme
weather events.
Recommendation 12: Recommend Navy and
Coast Guard formally initiate resource planning for
ice-strengthened vessels and icebreaker vessel capa-
Communications and Outreach
Recommendation 13: The scientific reality of cli-
mate change, its causes and its effects, must be strate-
gically communicated to as wide an audience as pos-
Recommendation 14: Recommend outreach to en-
vironmental businesses, corporations and Non-Gov-
ernmental Organizations to leverage work on adapta-
tion techniques and enhance cooperation.
Adaptive Capability and Capacity
Recommendation 15: The U.S. military will be un-
able to act unilaterally in the future when faced with
an overwhelming number of humanitarian situations
as a result of climate change, while possibly dealing
with the effects of climate change on the American
home front. The United States is likely to, and should,
continue to respond as able to humanitarian disasters
around the world where the United States has nation-
al interests, not only because it is the humane thing to