Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

Gates, Robert M. 2010a. Quadrennial Defense Review
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Gates, Robert M. 2011. SECDEF statement (January).
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Gates, Robert M. 2010b. SECDEF statement (August).
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curity needs in the 21st century. Washington D.C.:
United States Institute for Peace.
Krieg, Kenneth. 2007. Memorandum: Fully burdened
cost of fuel pilot program. Washington D.C.: Penta-

Lynn, William. 2010. Memorandum: Procedures and
schedule for fiscal year (FY) 2012-2016 integrated pro-
gram/budget review. Washington D.C.: Pentagon.

Macgregor, Douglas A. 2003. Transformation under
fire, revolutionizing how America fights. Westport,
CT: Praeger Publishers.

Obama, Barak. 2009. Executive Order 13514 – Federal
leadership in environment, energy, and economic per-
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Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army, (Instal-
lations, Energy and Environment). 2010. Army vi-
sion for net zero information paper. Washington D.C.

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