Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1
not need its own enrichment capability if its inten-
tions, as it states, are for a peaceful nuclear program
(CNN 2010b).

From a physics perspective, Professor Muller of-
fers: “No matter what the intentions of Iran are, the
capability to make weapons is being developed in that
country” (Muller 2008, 189).

Sustainability Considerations

The 2010 U.S. NPR effectively captures and ad-
dresses the sustainability considerations of a nuclear
renaissance in terms of the potential for an increased
threat of nuclear terrorism and proliferation by cham-
pioning a series of initiatives: bolstering the nuclear
non-proliferation regime and its centerpiece, the NPT;
strengthening UN IAEA safeguards and their enforce-
ment; and curbing the illicit trade of nuclear materials
and technologies. This approach helps ensure the sus-
tainability of commercial nuclear energy by recogniz-
ing the needs to promote the “peaceful uses of nuclear
energy without increasing proliferation risks” (Gates
2010, vii). While the raw resources needed to produce
nuclear fuel are not a worldwide limitation, an in-
creasing number of nations with the capacity to turn
the raw material into fuel is itself potentially threat-
ening. A world nuclear fuel bank could alleviate the
need for nuclear fuel production in additional nations
(Banks et al. 2010, viii).


Motivated by the underpinning concept that
America’s energy choices are inextricably linked to
national security (CNA 2010, vii), this examination has

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