Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

The Department of Geography and Environmental
Engineering offers an environmental engineering se-
quence. This sequence teaches the engineering design
process through the lens of current environmental is-
sues thus deepening the environmental education of
the 200 cadets annually who elect this engineering
The first course in the environmental engineering
sequence is Environmental Science. This course fo-
cuses on defining and analyzing the impact humans
have upon the Earth. The course is organized into four
major blocks. The first block introduces the basic con-
cepts of ecology; how matter cycles and energy flows,
the characteristics of healthy ecosystems, and the
implications of exponential population growth. This
block concludes with a look at urban sprawl and the
hope of green engineering. The second block explores
the concept of risk. How are maximum contaminant
levels in air and drinking water determined? What
is the lifetime cancer risk to a city resident drinking
contaminated water? Classic environmental laws,
regulations and executive orders are examined. Stu-
dents learn how scientists study the effects of toxins
in a lab and then extrapolate their results to the real
world. The third block of the course spotlights energy.
It starts with a review of fossil fuels and then proceeds
through alternative energy sources such as nuclear
power and renewable sources like wind, biomass,
solar and geothermal. The final block of the course
concerns air pollution and solid waste. Students use
a Gaussian plume model to calculate downwind con-
taminant concentration. They also explore how to de-
sign landfills to reduce environmental contamination.
In each block, all topics are taught in the context of
current events to build in relevancy and realism.

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