make them agents of change as the Army continues to
move forward on sustainability issues.
In summary, the Army needs officers that are ca-
pable of leading and making sound decisions concern-
ing energy security, energy and water conservation,
and solid waste management as these environmental
issues are critically linked to national security (Army
Senior Energy Council, 2009). West Point can infuse
the Army with junior leaders imbued with a sus-
tainability ethic and capable of making wise envi-
ronmental stewardship decisions. In addition, West
Point is uniquely positioned to combine the collective
strengths of the Academy and the U.S. Army Garrison
West Point through joint academic, West Point instal-
lation, and Army ventures that educate future Army
officers on technologies related to energy and envi-
ronmental security.
Army Senior Energy Council and the Office of the
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for En-
ergy and Partnerships 2009. Army Energy Security
Implementation Strategy, 24 pp. Available from
AESIS_13JAN09_Approved%204-03-09.pdf (acces-
sed 1 June 2011).
Booth, S, Barnett, J, Burman, K, Hambrick, J, and
Westby, R. 2010. Net zero energy military installa-
tions: a guide to assessment and planning. Techni-
cal Report NREL/TP-7A2-48876, National Renew-
able Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO. Available
from (ac-
cessed 1 June 2011).