pressures on the training lands needed to adequately
train its soldiers. It is also experiencing the effects of
competition for other limited resources, such as fuel
and materials, while managing operational tempo
(OPTEMPO) at a historically-high level. These chal-
lenges must be met to allow the National Guard to
continue to meet evolving (and expanding) mission
requirements. ARNG state organizations operate on a
dispersed landscape with a complex mosaic of stake-
holders and partnerships, which require the effective
execution of diverse mission requirements. As a re-
sult, a fully integrated strategy and performance man-
agement system is essential to ensure a cross-func-
tional and coordinated effort within each state and at
the ARNG Directorate at AHS. A sustainability-based
management philosophy will challenge Guard organi-
zations with initiatives that align in support of ARNG
readiness and support both Federal and State mission
The ARNG’s initiative of an enterprise-wide sus-
tainability program is an aggressive and innovative
approach that integrates sustainability into the Army
Guard from top to bottom in all areas of operations
support. The major focus is engagement with our
stakeholders through broad partnerships with gov-
ernment, business, communities, academia and other
institutions. Taking actions, on the direct and indirect
effects of Army Guard operations, on critical resourc-
es will enable us to better achieve mission success —
now and in the future.
ARNG operations are energy intensive, require
considerable access to and dependence on natural as-
sets, rely heavily on supportive communities, and are
executed by one of the largest, most diverse workforc-
es in the world. The ARNG Directorate’s strategic vi-