Sustainability and National Security

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ranges, are essential to providing a ready and effective
response to the states’ and country’s needs (PKS 2011).
Our Guard heritage, and our role as ‘Citizen Sol-
diers,’ places us in a unique position to provide direc-
tion, both within the Army and our communities. We
are often called upon to act boldly. The Army Na-
tional Guard’s future readiness relies on what actions
we take today to use resources efficiently. The ARNG
must preserve accessibility, capability and capacity of
our training areas, and improve coordination across
multiple lines of operation in order to become sustain-
able! At the headquarters level, the ARNG Director-
ate is providing guidance and resources to all state
ARNGs to assist with their implementation of sustain-
ability policies, practices and initiatives.

ARNG Directorate Sustainability Initiatives

The ARNG Directorate, following the lead of the
Army and Department of Defense (DOD), is working
sustainability into all aspects of operations. This effort
intensified with the Director, Army National Guard’s
(DARNG) signing of an ARNG Sustainability Policy
in January 2011 which applies to the ARNG Director-
ate as well as to ARNG personnel across all 54 States,
Territories, and the District of Columbia. This policy
formalizes the requirement that all members of the
ARNG adopt a sustainability philosophy for every as-
pect of planning, training, equipping and operations.
The policy mandates sustainability education and
training for all ARNG military and civilian personnel
and also appoints the DARNG as the ARNG’s Senior
Sustainability Official.

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