Divisions/Directorates will be trained. By doing so,
the ARNG leadership will more quickly demonstrate
a sustainability ethic and become the role models for
this new “way of doing business.” Sustainability will
only be effective if embraced throughout the organi-
zation – with a commitment from each Soldier and ci-
vilian – which has proven to be a powerfully unifying
force in achieving desired results in both military and
civilian organizations.
Sustainability Education Partnerships
The National Guard believes in empowering its
workforce with the necessary tools to become a more
sustainable organization and to enhance mission effec-
tiveness and efficiency. To this end, a partnership was
formed between ARNG and Arizona State University
to develop an online Sustainability Leadership Gradu-
ate Certificate Program commencing in 2012. The pro-
gram will provide training to members of Army and
ARNG leadership, both military and civilian, includ-
ing state ARNG employees, to enhance their ability to
incorporate sustainable planning and practices across
the entire Army enterprise. Courses will emphasize
the application of sustainability tools, techniques, and
concepts across multiple lines of operation.
The program consists of five courses, including
Foundations of Sustainability, Tools and Techniques
for Sustainability, Operationalizing Sustainability,
Energy and the Built Environment, and Sustainable
Acquisition and Logistics. Completion of these cours-
es will confer a graduate academic certificate. The five
courses may also be applied toward a Masters degree
in Sustainability. Additionally, all courses are eligible
for G.I. Bill education benefits and tuition assistance
programs (Arizona State 2011).