Water Awareness Program (EWAP) and Solid Waste
Reduction & Recycling Program (SWRRP); reduce the
usage of ozone depleting substances and products
with high Global Warming Potential (GWP); reduce
the amount of HCFCs used in HVAC appliances and
cooling systems, as well as requiring all future HVAC
systems to utilize EPA-approved HFCs; and the de-
velopment of an online hazardous chemical inventory
system (McCane 2010).
All of the COARNG’s maintenance and aviation
facilities and U.S. Properties and Fiscal Office ware-
house utilize hand-held scanners to conduct monthly
hazardous chemical inventories which are uploaded
to an online inventory database. All other facilities
and activities access the inventory via their computers
to update their inventories. This has resulted in better
accounting of hazardous chemicals and has reduced
the amount of hazardous waste and expired shelf-life
items generated by COARNG operations (McCane
Integrating sustainability fosters innovation, and
the COARNG is well on its way and is working hard
to integrate sustainability into the consciousness of all
COARNG and Department of Military and Veterans
Affairs personnel.
Buffering Against Encroachment in Minnesota
Camp Ripley established its ACUB program,
known locally as “Central Minnesota Prairie to Pines
Partnership...preserving our heritage.” The purpose was
to create and enhance a natural buffer around Camp
Ripley by taking advantage of available opportunities
to prevent encroachment and enhance conservation
and land management. By securing a buffer, Camp