Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

opment of Fort Leonard Wood’s 25 Year Installation
Strategic Sustainability Plan, and Early Design Energy
Analysis Using BIM (Building Information Modeling).
She was a co-author for several recent reports includ-
ing “The Value of Green to the Army”, the “CASI FY11
Work Plan”, and “Net Zero Water for Army Installa-
tions: Considerations for Policy and Technology.”

Mr. Thomas R. Napier

Tom Napier is a Research Architect and Principal
Investigator with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory in
Champaign, IL. Current research includes sustain-
ability in Army facilities’ design and construction,
specifically, the reduction of construction and demo-
lition waste through deconstruction, reuse, and recy-
cling. Responsibilities include program development,
research, and developing guidance and resources to
support engineering and environmental personnel
throughout the Corps and the Army. Recent activi-
ties include: supporting Army deconstruction proj-
ects; developing Army policy and guidance media;
technical transfer and training at Army and industry
venues, both in the United States and abroad; and im-
proving the resilience of housing exposed to natural
disasters. Tom is a past recipient of the Army’s En-
gineer Research and Development Outstanding Team
Award. Previous work includes condition assessment
of historic buildings, non-traditional project delivery
processes, performance specifying, implementation of
innovative construction technologies, and other con-
struction management-related subjects.
Tom is involved in U.S. Green Building Council
Central Illinois Chapter and Building Materials Reuse
Association; participates on the Chicago Rebuilding

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