Introduction ...................................................................vii
- Sustainability and National Security ..................... 1
Jim Hartman - Sustainability: A Lens for National Security ...... 29
Kent Butts and Brent C. Bankus - The Department of Defense offers a Strong
Offense for Promoting Sustainability.................. 57
Kristan Cockerill - Sustainable Security and Fragile States............... 85
Steve Hearne, Jeremey Alcorn, and
William Goran - Sustainability and Environmental Security...... 127
Odelia Funk - Building Resiliency into the National Military
Strategy .................................................................... 177
David Carstens - The Consequential Challenges of Climate
Change ...................................................................... 201
Corry Juedeman - Sustainability and States: Climate Change and
Sovereignty.............................................................. 233
Rymn J. Parsons - Pursuing the Delta: Maximizing Opportunities
to Integrate Sustainability in the Funding
Process... ................................................................... 263
Kimberly A. O’Keefe