at cross-purposes, or duplicating efforts, will not meet
sustainability criteria. If not funded adequately, then
sustainability is not a priority. If it is not a priority,
these goals will not be realized.
The rhetoric for DOD to become a global leader in
sustainability is in place. Now it is a matter of will to
successfully achieve this mission.
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ing specified percentages of post-consumer re-
cycled content.
Army Environmental Policy Institute (AEPI). 2009.
Green chemistry and engineering opportunity as-
sessment for the U.S. Army: A case study in sus-
tainable remediation.
Biello, David. 2010. “Fatted Eagle” joins “Green Hor-
net” in U.S. military’s alternative fuels fighter fleet.
Scientific American. http://www.scientificam-
flight-air-force-fighter (accessed 25 March 2011).
Bland, Eric. 2009. Recycled plastic bridges can support
tanks. DiscoverNews.
tech/recycled-plastic-bridge-tank.html (accessed
27 February 2011).
Bogard, James S., Katherine L. Yuracko, Michael E.
Murray, Richard A. Lowden, Norm L. Vaughn.
- “Application of life cycle analysis: the case
of green bullets.” Environmental Management and
Health 10: 282-289