Remember the bottom number?
In the last Chapter we learnt that the bottom number of a time signature tells you what type
of beats they are. The most common number you will see at the bottom of a time signature
is a “4” - this means that the beats are quarter note (crotchet) beats. So the time signature
above tells us that there are 4 quarter note (crotchet) beats in each bar - so every bar
should add up to 4.
However, if the bottom number was a “2” then this would mean that the beats were half
notes (minims). So the following time signature tells us that there are 4 half note (minim)
beats in every bar (a half note (minim) beat is worth 2 so every bar should add up to 8
It’s Time To Test Your Knowledge
Have a go at the Lesson 3 Worksheet in your