pp pianissimo Very Quiet
p piano Quiet
mp mezzopiano Quite Quiet
mf mezzoforte Quite Loud
f forte Loud
ff fortissimo Very Loud
Try learning these terms (I found that writing them out and pinning them on the wall
in the kitchen by the kettle to look at every time I made a cup of coffee worked for
Question 2. Should I get louder or quieter?
The next question to ask is whether I should be increasing or decreasing the volume of my
performance. This is shown through a line or word underneath the stave. So, the following
....should be played getting gradually louder. This is a crescendo (Cresc.).
On the other hand, the following scale....
....should be played getting gradually quieter. This is a diminuendo (Dim.).
(Note: A composer could use the words or abbreviations instead of the lines should they
want to.)