1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

3.3 Solutions 225

3.90 With reference to the Table 3.2, the functionψ(r,θ,φ)isthe2pfunction for
the hydrogen atom.

ApplyingLzto the wavefunction


Therefore, the value ofLzis−
(b)Asitisap-state,l=1 and the parity is (−1)l=(−1)l=−1, that is an
odd parity.

3.91 Lx=i












+cotθ sinφ



















Apply (3) to them=+1 state which is proportional to sinθeiφ
−(cosθcosφ−cosφcosθ)eiφ= 0
Thus the state withm=2 does not exist. Similarly by applyingL−to the
state withm=−1, it can be shown that them=−2 state does not exist.

3.92 Particles with even spin (0, 2 , 4 ...) obey Bose statistics and those with odd
spin (1/ 2 , 3 / 2 , 5 / 2 ...) obey Fermi – Dirac statistics.
Consider a diatomic molecule with identical nuclei. The total wave function
may be written as
Letpbe an operator which exchanges the space and spin coordinates.
It is known from molecular spectroscopy, that for the ground state it is pos-
itive. Furthermore,Pζvib=+ζvib, becauseζvibdepends only on the distance
of separation of nuclei.
Nowρ=Plm(cosθ)eimφ, whereθis the polar angle andφthe azimuth
angle;ρis represented by the associated Legendre function.

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