1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

252 4 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics


4 N


α^2 e−α


where,α=ν/νpandνp=(2kT/m)^1 /^2.

4.10 Calculate the fraction of the oxygen molecule with velocities between 199 m/s
and 201 m/s at 27◦C

4.11 Assuming that the hydrogen molecules have a root-mean-square speed of
1,270 m/s at 300 K, calculate the rms at 600 K.

4.12 Clausius had assumed that all molecules move with velocity v with respect
to the container. Under this assumption show that the mean relative velocity
<νrel>of one molecule with another is given by<νrel>= 4 ν/3.

4.13 Estimate the temperature at which the root-mean-square of nitrogen molecule
in earth’s atmosphere equals the escape velocity from earth’s gravitational
field. Take the mass of nitrogen molecule = 23 .24 amu, and radius of
earth= 6 ,400 km.

4.14 Calculate the fraction of gas molecules which have the mean-free-path in the
rangeλto 2λ.

4.15 Ifρis the density,<ν>the mean speed andλthe mean free path of the
gas molecules, then show that the coefficient of viscosity is given byη=^13 ρ

4.16 At STP, the rms velocity of the molecules of a gas is 10^5 cm/s. The molecular
density is 3× 1025 m−^3 and the diameter (σ) of the molecule 2. 5 × 10 −^10 m.
Find the mean-free-path and the collision frequency.
[Nagarjuna University 2000]

4.17 When a gas expands adiabatically its volume is doubled while its Kelvin tem-
perature is decreased by a factor of 1.32. Calculate the number of degrees of
freedom for the gas molecules.

4.18 What is the temperature at which an ideal gas whose molecules have an aver-
age kinetic energy of 1 eV?

4.19 (a) Ifγis the ratio of the specific heats andnis the degrees of freedom then
show that for a perfect gas
γ= 1 + 2 /n
(b) Calculateγfor monatomic and diatomic molecules without vibration.

4.20 IfKis the thermal conductivity,ηthe coefficient of viscosity,Cνthe specific
heat at constant volume andγthe ratio of specific heats then show that for the
general case of any molecule




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