1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

360 6 Special Theory of Relativity

This shows that small emission angles of photons in the lab system are

6.102 In Fig. 6.16, AB and AD represent the momentum vectors of the two photons
in the LS. BC is drawn parallel to AD so that ABC forms the momentum
triangle, that is


Fig. 6.16Locus of the tip of
the momentum vector of
γ-rays fromπ^0 decay is an

From energy conservation
hν 1 +hν 2 =γmc^2 /2(1+βcosθ∗)+(γmc^2 /2)(1+βcos(π−θ∗))
=γmc^2 =const
where we have used the fact that the angles of emission of the two photons
in the rest frame ofπ^0 , are supplementary.
Since momentum is given byp=h/c,itfollowsthatAB+BC=constant,
which means that the locus of the tip of the momentum vector is an ellipse.

E=mc^2 / 2 γ(1−βcosθ) (14)

Compare this with the standard equation for ellipse

r=a(1−ε^2 )/(1−εcosθ)

We findε=β

a(1−β^2 )=mc^2 / 2 γ
Ora=γmc^2 / 2

The larger the velocity ofπ^0 , the greater will be the eccentricity,ε.
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