1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

366 6 Special Theory of Relativity

6.118 Tthreshold=[(mp+mp+mp)^2 −(mp+mp)^2 ]/ 2 mpby Eq. (6.53)

mp= 1 , 837 me= 1 , 837 × 0. 00 .00051 GeV= 0 .937 GeV
M= 273 × 0 .00051 GeV= 0 .137 GeV
Using the above values we findTthreshold= 0 .167 GeV

6.119 Tthreshold=(mk+mΛ)^2 −(mp+mp)^2 /^2 mp

mk= 0 .498 GeV,mΛ= 1 .115 GeV,mπ= 0 .140 GeV,mp= 0 .938 GeV
Using these values, we findTthreshold= 0 .767 GeV=767 MeV
Note that when pions are used as bombarding particles the threshold for
strange particle production is lowered then in N–N collisions. However, first
a beam of pions must be produced in N–N collisions.

6.120 Consider the reactionP+P→P+P+nπ

Tthreshold=[(mp+mp+nmπ)^2 −(mp+mp)^2 ]/ 2 mp
Simplifying we get the desired result

6.121 Tthreshold=[(mp+mπ 0 )^2 −(mp+0)^2 ]/ 2 mp
Usingmp=940 MeV andmπ 0 =135 MeV, we
findTthreshold=145 MeV
Note that the threshold energy for pion production in collision with gamma
rays is only half of that for N–N collisions. But the cross-section is down by
two orders of magnitude as the interaction is electromagnetic.

6.122 Tthreshold=[(mΞ−+mk+mk 0 )^2 −(mπ−+mp)^2 ]/ 2 mp

=[(1, 321 + 494 +498)^2 −(140+938)^2 ]/ 2 × 938
= 2 ,233 MeV
Note that forΞproduction, the threshold is much higher than that for


production as it has to be produced in association with two other strange
particles (see Chaps.9 and 10).

6.123 Using the invariance,E^2 −|

p|^2 =E∗^2 −|

At threshold: (E+Mp)^2 −Eν^2 =(Mp+Mμ+Mw)^2 − 0
(5+ 0 .938)^2 − 52 =(0. 938 + 0. 106 +Mw)^2
Mw= 2 .16 GeV
Since the reaction does not proceed,Mw> 2 .16 GeV

6.124 Tthr=[(mp+mΛ+mk)^2 −(2mp)^2 ]/ 2 mp

=[(0. 938 + 1. 115 + 0 .494)^2 −(2× 0 .938)^2 ]/ 2 × 0. 938
= 1 .58 GeV
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