1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

7.1 Basic Concepts and Formulae 377


When a relativistic particle of massm, chargezemoves close to a target nucleus
of chargeZe, it undergoes acceleration which is proportional tozZ/m, and emits
radiation known as bremsstrahlung. Thus the radiation losses for electrons under
identical conditions, are 3× 106 times greater than for protons. Since energy loss is
a one-shot process, the law of energy degradation is exponential. IfE 0 is the initial
energy then at distancex

<E>=E 0 exp(−x/X 0 ) (7.36)

Radiation lengthX 0 is defined as that absorber thickness which reduces the particle
energy by a factore.

Passage of radiation through matter

When electromagnetic radiation passes through matter the type of interaction depends
on (1) photon energy (2) Z of the material (3) particle or field with which the photon
interacts. The important processes in Nuclear physics are

  1. Compton scattering

  2. Photoelectric effect

  3. Electron–positron pair production

  4. Nuclear resonance fluorescence

The compton effect

The process of elastic scattering of photon by a free electron with reduced frequency
(or increased wavelength) is known as Compton scattering, Fig. 7.8

Fig. 7.8Compton scattering

Shift in wavelength

Δλ=λ−λ 0 =(h/mc)(1−cosθ) (7.37)

The Compton wavelength

λc=h/mc= 2. 43 × 10 −^12 m (7.38a)
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