1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

396 7 Nuclear Physics – I

As triton will be emitted in the opposite direction in the CMS
θt∗= 111 ◦
Using formula (1) again, with the substitution.
θt∗= 111 ◦,vc =u/2 andvt∗=u/ 2

3, we can solve forθ, and obtain
θt= 34 ◦in the LS.
Finally, we can use the inverse transformation
And substituteθ∗= 111 ◦,θ= 34 ◦andvc=u/2 to findv= 0 .48 u.
7.4 Use the result of Problem 7.1,
M/m=sin (θ+ 2 φ)/sinθ
M= 4. 004 ,m= 1. 008 ,θ= 100.
Substituting these values in the above equation and solving forφ, we find
φ= 16. 8 ◦which is the recoil angle of proton

7.5 Alphas of 20 MeV energy means that we are dealing with non-relativistic par-
ticles. From the results of Problem 7.2, the maximum scattering angleθmaxfor
m 1 >m 2 , is given by
sinθm=m 2 /m 1
sin 30^0 = 0. 5 =m 2 /4orm 2 = 2
The gas is deuterium. The limiting angleθmaxis independent of the incident

7.6 The description of the scattering event in the CM system is shown in Fig. 7.11.
From the velocity triangle
Dividing the two equations and simplifying




cosθM+m 1 /m 2

vm 1
(m 1 +m 2 )


vm 2
(m 1 +m 2 )


The maximum scattering angleθmis given by
sinθM=m 2 /m 1 = 1 / 4 = 0. 25
θM= 15 ◦

Fig. 7.11Velocity triangle
for elastic scattering

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