506 9 Particle Physics – I
9.12 (a) In elastic scattering, total kinetic energy is conserved. Life-time means
mean-life-time i.e., the time in which the population of unstable particles
is reduced by a factore. The important interactions that the muons undergo
are elastic scattering and the reaction,μ−+p→n+νμ.
Let the muons travel a distancedmetres. Then their intensity will be
reduced due to decay by a factor
I/I 0 =exp(−d/vγτ 0 )(1)
γ= 1 /(1−v^2 /c^2 )^1 /^2 = 1 /
1 −(10^6 / 3 × 108 )^2
] 1 / 2
= 1. 0033
I/I 0 =exp−(d/(1. 0033 × 106 × 2. 2 × 10 −^6 ))
=exp−(0. 453 d)(2)
The intensity reduction due to interaction will be
I/I 0 =exp(−dΣ)(3)
Σ=σn= 0. 1 × 10 −^28 × 2. 69 × 1025 = 2. 69 × 10 −^4
I/I 0 =exp(− 2. 69 × 10 −^4 )d (4)
Comparing (2) and (4), reduction due to decay will be by far greater than
by interaction for any value ofd.
(b) Repetition of calculation forT =4GeV,γ= 38. 7 ,β≈1, andd=
12 ,000 m, givesI/I 0 =e−^0.^47 = 0 .625, so that a large number of muons
survive at the ground level. The distance at which muons of energy 4 GeV
will be reduced byeis given byd=vγτ 0 = 3 × 108 × 38. 7 × 2. 2 × 10 −^6 =
2. 55 × 104 m= 25 .5km.
9.13 The geometrical cross-section is
σg=πR^2 =π(r 0 A^1 /^3 )^2 =πr 02 A^2 /^3
=π(1. 3 × 10 −^13 )^2 (208)^2 /^3 = 1. 86 × 10 −^24 cm^2
Number of lead atoms/cm^3 , n = N 0 ρ/A = 6 × 1023 × 11. 3 / 207 =
3. 275 × 1022
Macroscopic cross-section
Σ=nσ=(3. 275 × 1022 )(1. 86 × 10 −^24 )= 0 .06 cm−^1
The interaction length,λ= 1 /Σ= 1 / 0. 06 = 16 .7cm
9.14 Number of interactions per second in volumeV
=σN 0 ρVI 0 /A
=(40× 10 −^27 cm^2 )(6. 02 × 1023 × 0. 071 /2)× 125 × 2 × 103
= 213 .7 neutral pions/s are produced.
Each pion decays into two photons. Therefore number of photons produced
per second= 427
9.15 I/I 0 =exp(−Σx)