1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

Appendix: Problem Index 607

Thermal Neutrons wavelength 2.5
K.E of neutrons bound in nucleus 2.6
2.2.2 Hydrogen Atom
Enfrom Bohr model.Quantum numbers in Carbon atom. 2.7
Ground state energy of Carbon atom if electrons are replaced
by pions


Atomic units 2.9
Condition for potential energy to be negative. Internal
Energy of molecule formed in atomic collision 2.10
Bohr’s condition of quantization from de Broglie relation
and to find ionization energy 2.11
Radii of mesic atom and the resulting photons 2.12
Mu-mesic atom in which meson in lowest orbit just
touches nuclear surface 2.13
Wavelengths of Lyman series of Positronium 2.14
Enfor positronium, radii and transition energies 2.15
For forcef(r)=−kr, to findP.E,V^2 ,r^2 ,En,λ 2.16
(En−En− 1 )∝n^13 forn→∞ 2.17
Transitions in which given wavelength occurs and the series to
which it belongs


Forn→∞,fn=νn,νn=(En−En− 1 )/h 2.19
Identification of a hydrogen-like ion from observations of Balmer
and Lyman series


The series to which a spectral line belongs having wave number
equal to the difference between two known lines of Balmer series


2.2.3 X-rays
Screening parameter of the K-shell electrons 2.22
Kαwavelength given ionization energy of H-atom 2.23
K-absorption edges of constituents of Cobalt alloy 2.24
λminin X-ray tube 2.25
Planck’s constant fromλminin X-ray tube 2.26, 27
λαin copper from that of iron 2.28
To find applied voltage from difference (λα−λc)2.29
Allowed transitions forLαline under selection rule
Δl=± 1 ,Δj= 0 ,± 1


Identification of target from study ofλαandλcwith
increasing voltage


Number of elements withKαlines between 241 and 180 pm 2.32
Moseley’s law 2.33, 34
2.2.4 Spin andμand Quantum Numbers-Stern–Gerlah’s Experiment
Key features of Stern–Gerlah’s experiment 2.35
Allowed values ofj 2.36
Magnetic dipole moment of electron in H-atom 2.37
Beam separation in Stern–Gerlah’s experiment 42, 43 2.38,
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