1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

614 Appendix: Problem Index

Fermi level 4.52,
53, 54
Distribution of distinguishable and indistinguishable particles 4.55
Vibrational states 4.56, 59
Accessible states 4.57
Standard deviation 4.58
Boltzmann formula 4.60

4.2.4 Blackbody Radiation
Temperature of wire 4.61
Sun’s temperature 4.62, 65
Radiation pressure 4.63
Stefan’s law→Newton’s law 4.64
Loss of sun’s mass 4.66
Temperature fall of spheres 4.67
Wien’s law 4.68
Planck’s law 4.69,
70, 71,
72, 73,
74, 75
Temperature of earth 4.76
Solar constant 4.77

Chapter 5 Solid State Physics

5.2.1 Crystal Structure
Volume in cubic structure 5.1
Volume in body-centered 5.2
Separation of planes 5.3
Diffraction angle for (111) plane 5.4
Higher order reflection 5.5
Davisson and Germer experiment 5.6
Atomic radii, FCC, BCC, diamond 5.7
5.2.2 Crystal Properties
Madelung constant 5.8, 9
Equilibrium of atoms 5.10, 11,
Melting point of lead 5.13
5.2.3 Metals
Fermi energy/level 5.14, 21,
22, 25, 26,
27, 28, 32,
33, 34, 35
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