1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

Appendix: Problem Index 621

7.2.4 Compton Scattering
Kinematics of Compton scattering 7.53
(Δν)max 7.54
Recoil velocity of electron 7.55
Ph.elec, Comp, Pair 7.56
λ 0 7.57
ΔE for various situations 7.58
Attenuation ofEγ 7.59
(Δλ)max 7.60
hν 0 givenhν&θ 7.61
Range ofEγfrom annihilation radiation 7.62
7.2.5 Photoelectric Effect
υe 7.63
Tandhν, given Br and BE 7.64
V 0 ,givenλ 0 andλ 7.65
Photo effect not possible with free electron 7.66
Attenuation ofγrays 7.67
Absorption edges 7.68
h,λ 0 andW 7.69
μphandμc 7.70
Photo effect from hydrogen 7.71
h(Planck’s constant) 7.72
Photoelectric current 7.73
Tandλe 7.74
7.2.6 Pair Production
Eγ(threshold) 7.75
Eγfrome+e−annihilation 7.76
γ→e+e−, not possible in vacuum 7.77
7.2.7 Cerenkov Radiation
Range ofn 7.78
KE of proton 7.79
No. of photons emitted 7.80
7.2.8 Nuclear Resonance
Mosbauer experiment 7.81
ΔWwhenM∗→M 7.82
Thermal broadening 7.83
Red shift 7.84
7.2.9 Radioactivity (General)
T 1 andT 2 7.85
Heating effect 7.86
Radioactive equilibrium 7.87, 92,
93, 95
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