1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

Appendix: Problem Index 625

8.2.15 Fusion
Range of neutrino energies inp+p→D+e++ν 8.93
Neutron energy ind(d,n)^3 He 8.94
Ford–dreaction, required temperature modified due to tunneling


Lawson criterion 8.96

Chapter 9 Particle Physics I

9.2.1 System of Units
Conversion : kg→GeV/c^2 9.1
m→GeV−^1 ,GeV−^2 →mb, second→GeV−^1 9.2
Compton wavelength, Bohr radius,νein H-atom 9.3
Natural units→practical units 9.4
Mean life time of muon 9.5

9.2.2 Production
Emission angles of photons in LS and CMS 9.6
For fixed target experimentsECM∝

Elab 9.7
Interaction length forσ(e+e−→μ+μ−)inPb 9.8
Ethresholdfore+e−→pp− 9.9

9.2.3 Interaction
Possible production of particles in p–p collisions 9.10
Neutrino interactions 9.11
Muon interactions 9.12
Proton interactions 9.13
Number of photons inπ−p→π^0 n,π^0 → 2 γ 9.14
Attenuation of pions & muons in iron 9.15
Non-occurrence of reactions 9.17
Hyper-fragment mass 9.18
4-momentum transfer 9.19

9.2.4 Decay
Pion energy in decayK+→π+π^0 at rest 9.20
Pion lifetime from attenuation of beam intensity 9.21
Tmaxof pion in decayK+→π+π+π− 9.22
To expressE′νin terms ofmπandmμ 9.23
Tn(max) in decayΣ+→nμ+νμ 9.24
To sketch decay configuration and value forEν(max) inK→μν 9.25
Lifetime of kaon from track measurements 9.26
Difference in travel time of muon and neutrino 9.27
Tmax&Tminofμ’s from pion decays in flight 9.28
Drop in intensity in transport of kaons andΛbeams 9.29
Relation ofd,p,τandm 9.30

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