1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

Appendix: Problem Index 629

Identification of particles and quark content produced in K−p


Resonance produced inπpinteractions 10.25, 26
Ratio of cross-section forπp→ΣK 10.27
Ratio of cross-section forπ−p→π−p&π−p→π^0 n 10.28
Parity of negative pion 10.29
Isospin of resonance inK−p interactions 10.30
Number of charged and neutral sigma hyperons inK−p and
K−n interactions


Spin, parity and isospin of B-meson 10.32
Branching ratio of the decay modes ofΔ^0 (1232) 10.33
Pseudoscalar mesons octet 10.34
Vector mesons nonet 10.35
Baryon octet 10.36
Baryon decuplet 10.37
σ(π−p)=σ(π+n)butσ(K−p) =σ(K+n)
Distinction betweenK^0 andK ̄^0 mesons 10.38
Ratio ofσforK−^4 He→^4 HeΛ&K−^4 He→^4 HΛ 10.39
π−d→nnπ^0 cannot occur at rest 10.41
Isospin predictions forσ(pp→dπ+)&σ(pn→dπ^0 ) 10.42
Pairs of particles withI= 1 10.43
10.2.3 Quarks
Phenomena when a quark is struck by energetic electron 10.44
Decay of B−meson 10.45
Effective strong interaction coupling constantαs 10.46
σ(e+e−→hadrons/σ(e+e−→μ+μ−) 10.47
Cross-section relations using quark model 10.48, 49
Mass difference ofu- andd-quark 10.50
Quark constituents ofΔ-states and fundamental difficulty.
Higher excited states of nucleons 10.51
Quark composition of hyperons, nucleons, kaons and pions 10.52
Particles with three identical quarks.Properties ofbquark 10.53
Quark flow diagrams for the decays ofφandω^0 10.54
σ(πN)/σ(NN) explained by quark model 10.55
Ratioσ(π−C)/σ(π+C) explained by quark model 10.56
Estimation ofσ(e+e−→hadrons) fromσ(e+e−→μ+μ−) 10.57
Ground state energy of meson by variation method 10.58
10.2.4 Electromagnetic Interaction
Feynman diagram andσfore+e−→μ+μ− 10.59
Width forΣ^0 decay. Spin zero forK+ 10.60
C-invariance and positronium decay 10.61
Three body decays ofK+andΣ^0 10.62
10.2.5 Weak Interaction
Decay rates ofD+andD^0 10.63
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