50 Best Jobs for Your Personality

(ff) #1
Part IV: Descriptions of the 50 Best Jobs for Each Personality Type _______________________________

Systems Evaluation; Troubleshooting; Operation and
Education and Training Programs: Agricultural
Business Technology; Data Processing and Data Pro-
cessing Technology/Technician; Computer Hard-
ware Technology/Technician; Computer Software
Te c h n o l o g y/ Te c h n i c i a n ; A c c o u nt i n g a n d C o m p u t e r
Science; Medical Offi ce Computer Specialist/Assis-
tant. Related Knowledge/Courses: Computers and
Electronics; Telecommunications; Engineering and
Te c h n o l o g y ; C l e r i c a l P r a c t i c e s ; C u s t o m e r a n d Pe r-
sonal Service; Communications and Media.
Work Env ironment : Indoors; noisy; sitting; repeti-
tive motions.

Construction and Building Inspectors

! Personality Code: RCI

! Education/Training Required: Work
experience in a related occupation
! Annual Earnings: $48,330

! Beginning Wage: $30,450

! Earnings Growth Potential: Medium

! Growth: 18.2%

! Annual Job Openings: 12,606

! Self-Employed: 9.4%

! Part-Time: 4.6%

Inspect structures using engineering skills to
determine structural soundness and compliance
with specifi cations, building codes, and other reg-
ulations. Inspections may be general in nature or
may be limited to a specifi c area, such as electri-
cal systems or plumbing. Issue violation notices
and stop-work orders, conferring with owners, vio-
lators, and authorities to explain regulations and
recommend rectifi cations. Inspect bridges, dams,
highways, buildings, wiring, plumbing, electrical
circuits, sewers, heating systems, and foundations
during and after construction for structural quality,
general safety, and conformance to specifi cations and
codes. Approve and sign plans that meet required

specifi cations. Review and interpret plans, blueprints,
site layouts, specifi cations, and construction meth-
ods to ensure compliance to legal requirements and
safety regulations. Monitor installation of plumbing,
wiring, equipment, and appliances to ensure that
installation is performed properly and is in compli-
ance with applicable regulations. Inspect and mon-
itor construction sites to ensure adherence to safety
standards, building codes, and specifi cations. Mea-
sure dimensions and verify level, alignment, and ele-
vation of structures and fi xtures to ensure compliance
to building plans and codes. Maintain daily logs and
supplement inspection records with photographs. Use
survey instruments, metering devices, tape measures,
and test equipment such as concrete strength measur-
ers to perform inspections. Train, direct, and super-
vise other construction inspectors. Issue permits for
construction, relocation, demolition, and occupancy.
Examine lifting and conveying devices such as ele-
vators, escalators, moving sidewalks, lifts and hoists,
inclined railways, ski lifts, and amusement rides to
ensure safety and proper functioning. Compute esti-
mates of work completed or of needed renovations or
upgrades and approve payment for contractors. Eval-
uate premises for cleanliness, including proper gar-
bage disposal and lack of vermin infestation.
GOE—Interest Area/Cluster: 07. Government and
Public Administration. Work Group: 07.03. Regula-
tions Enforcement. O t h e r J o b s i n! is Work Group:
Agricultural Inspectors; Aviation Inspectors; Com-
pliance Offi cers, Except Agriculture, Construction,
Health and Safety, and Transportation; Environ-
mental Compliance Inspectors; Equal Opportunity
Representatives and Offi cers; Financial Examiners;
Fire Inspectors; Fish and Game Wardens; Forest Fire
Inspectors and Prevention Specialists; Freight and
Cargo Inspectors; Government Property Inspectors
and Investigators; Immigration and Customs Inspec-
tors; Licensing Examiners and Inspectors; Nuclear
Monitoring Technicians; Occupational Health and
Safety Specialists; Occupational Health and Safety
Te c h n i c i a n s ; Ta x E x a m i n e r s , C o l l e c t o r s , a n d R e v e -
nue Agents; Transportation Vehicle, Equipment, and
Systems Inspectors, Except Aviation.
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