50 Best Jobs for Your Personality

(ff) #1

__ Realistic Occupations: Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers

Build, calibrate, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair
electrical instruments or testing equipment. Ana-
lyze and interpret test information to resolve design-
related problems. Write commissioning procedures
for electrical installations. Prepare project cost and
work-time estimates. Evaluate engineering propos-
als, shop drawings, and design comments for sound
electrical engineering practice and conformance with
established safety and design criteria and recom-
mend approval or disapproval. Draw or modify dia-
grams and write engineering specifi cations to clarify
design details and functional criteria of experimen-
tal electronics units. Conduct inspections for quality
control and assurance programs, reporting fi ndings
and recommendations. Prepare contracts and initi-
ate, review, and coordinate modifi cations to contract
specifi cations and plans throughout the construction
process. Plan, schedule, and monitor work of support
personnel to assist supervisor. Review existing elec-
trical engineering criteria to identify necessary revi-
sions, deletions, or amendments to outdated material.
Perform supervisory duties such as recommending
work assignments, approving leaves, and completing
performance evaluations. Plan method and sequence
of operations for developing and testing experimental
electronic and electrical equipment. Visit construc-
tion sites to observe conditions impacting design and
to identify solutions to technical design problems
involving electrical systems equipment that arise dur-
ing construction.

GOE—Interest Area/Cluster: 15. S c i e nt i fi c
Research, Engineering, and Mathematics. Work
Group: 15. 0 9. E n g i n e e r i n g Te c h n o l o g y. Other Jobs
in! is Work Group: Aerospace Engineering and
Operations Technicians; Cartographers and Photo-
grammetrists; Civil Engineering Technicians; Elec-
trical and Electronic Engineering Technicians;
Electrical and Electronics Drafters; Electrical Draft-
ers; Electro-Mechanical Technicians; Electronic
Drafters; Electronics Engineering Technicians;
Environmental Engineering Technicians; Mapping
Te c h n i c i a n s ; M e c h a n i c a l D r a f t e r s ; M e c h a n i c a l E n g i -
neering Technicians; Surveying and Mapping Tech-
nicians; Surveying Technicians.

Skills: Repairing; Installation; Troubleshooting;
Science; Operations Analysis; Technology Design;
Mathematics; Equipment Maintenance.
Education and Training Programs: Electrical, Elec-
tronic, and Communications Engineering Technol-
ogy/Technician; Telecommunications Technology/
Te c h n i c i a n ; E l e c t r i c a l a n d E l e c t r o n i c E n g i n e e r i n g
Te c h n o l o g i e s / Te c h n i c i a n s , O t h e r ; C o m p u t e r E n g i -
neering Technology/Technician; Computer Tech-
nology/Computer Systems Technology. Related
Knowledge/Courses: Engineering and Technol-
ogy; Design; Computers and Electronics; Physics;
Mechanical Devices; Telecommunications.
Work Env ironment : Indoors; noisy; sitting; using
hands on objects, tools, or controls.

Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers

! Personality Code: RIC
! Education/Training Required: Long-term
on-the-job training
! Annual Earnings: $52,570
! Beginning Wage: $29,780
! Earnings Growth Potential: High
! Growth: 7.2%
! Annual Job Openings: 6,401
! Self-Employed: 0.6%
! Part-Time: 1.3%

Install or repair cables or wires used in electrical
power or distribution systems. May erect poles
and light- or heavy-duty transmission towers.
Adhere to safety practices and procedures, such as
checking equipment regularly and erecting barriers
around work areas. Open switches or attach ground-
ing devices to remove electrical hazards from dis-
turbed or fallen lines or to facilitate repairs. Climb
poles or use truck-mounted buckets to access equip-
ment. Place insulating or fi reproofi ng materials
over conductors and joints. Install, maintain, and
repair electrical distribution and transmission sys-
tems, including conduits; cables; wires; and related



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