50 Best Jobs for Your Personality

(ff) #1



____________________________________________ Realistic Occupations: Freight and Cargo Inspectors

Forest Fire Fighters

! Personality Code: RS

! Education/Training Required: Long-term
on-the-job training
! Annual Earnings: $43,170

! Beginning Wage: $21,530

! Earnings Growth Potential: Very high

! Growth: 12.1%

! Annual Job Openings: 18,887

! Self-Employed: 0.0%

! Part-Time: 1.3%

! e job openings listed here are shared with Municipal
Fire Fighters.

Control and suppress fi res in forests or vacant
public land. Maintain contact with fi re dispatchers
at all times to notify them of the need for additional
fi refi ghters and supplies or to detail any diffi cul-
ties encountered. Rescue fi re victims and adminis-
ter emergency medical aid. Collaborate with other
fi refi ghters as a member of a fi refi ghting crew. Patrol
burned areas after fi res to locate and eliminate hot
spots that may restart fi res. Extinguish fl ames and
embers to suppress fi res, using shovels or engine- or
hand-driven water or chemical pumps. Fell trees,
cut and clear brush, and dig trenches to create fi re-
lines, using axes, chain saws, or shovels. Maintain
knowledge of current fi refi ghting practices by partic-
ipating in drills and by attending seminars, conven-
tions, and conferences. Operate pumps connected to
high-pressure hoses. Participate in physical training
to maintain high levels of physical fi tness. Establish
water supplies, connect hoses, and direct water onto
fi res. Maintain fi re equipment and fi rehouse living
quarters. Inform and educate the public about fi re
prevention. Take action to contain any hazardous
chemicals that could catch fi re, leak, or spill. Orga-
nize fi re caches, positioning equipment for the most
eff ective response. Transport personnel and cargo
to and from fi re areas. Participate in fi re prevention
and inspection programs. Perform forest mainte-
nance and improvement tasks such as cutting brush,

planting trees, building trails, and marking timber.
Te s t a n d m a i nt a i n t o o l s , e q u i p m e nt , ju m p g e a r, a n d
parachutes to ensure readiness for fi re-suppression
activities. Observe forest areas from fi re lookout tow-
ers to spot potential problems. Orient self in relation
to fi re, using compass and map, and collect supplies
and equipment dropped by parachute. Serve as fully
trained lead helicopter crewmember and as helispot
manager. Drop weighted paper streamers from air-
craft to determine the speed and direction of the
wind at fi re sites.
GOE—Interest Area/Cluster: 12. Law and Public
Safety. Work Group: 12.06. Emergency Respond-
ing. Other Jobs in! is Work Group: Emergency
Medical Technicians and Paramedics; Fire Fighters;
Municipal Fire Fighters.
Skills: Repairing; Equipment Maintenance; Man-
agement of Personnel Resources; Operation Moni-
toring; Equipment Selection; Operation and Control;
Systems Analysis; Operations Analysis.
Education and Training Programs: Fire Science/
Firefi ghting; Fire Protection, Other. Related Knowl-
edge/Courses: Geography; Customer and Personal
Service; Mechanical Devices; Public Safety and Secu-
rity; Education and Training; Psychology.
Work Env ironment : Outdoors; very hot or cold;
contaminants; hazardous conditions; minor burns,
cuts, bites, or stings; using hands on objects, tools,
or controls.

Freight and Cargo Inspectors

! Personality Code: RC
! Education/Training Required: Work
experience in a related occupation
! Annual Earnings: $51,440
! Beginning Wage: $27,340
! Earnings Growth Potential: High
! Growth: 16.4%
! Annual Job Openings: 2,122
! Self-Employed: 5.9%
! Part-Time: 3.7%
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