50 Best Jobs for Your Personality

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___________________________________ The Best Jobs Lists: Jobs for Each of the Six Personality Types

Best Conventional Jobs Overall Employing

15 Percent or More Workers Age 55 and Over

Percent Workers Annual Percent Annual
Job Age 55 and Over Earnings Grow th Openings

  1. Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll
    and Timekeeping ....................................................... 21.9% ........ $34,970 ........11.3% ....... 18,647

  2. Secretaries, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive ... 25.5% ........ $28,220 ..........1.2% .....239,630

  3. Archivists ................................................................... 32.5% ........ $43,110 ........14.4% ............795

  4. Shipping, Receiving, and Traf! c Clerks ..................... 16.0% ........ $26,990 ..........3.7% ..... 138,967

  5. Postal Service Mail Carriers ....................................... 24.2% ........ $44,500 ..........1.0% .......16,710

  6. Court, Municipal, and License Clerks ........................ 30.4% ........ $32,330 ..........8.8% .......16,163

  7. Insurance Claims and Policy Processing Clerks ....... 16.7% .........$32,040 .......–1.3% .......42,246

The Best Jobs for Each Personality Type

with a High Percentage of Part-Time


Starting with the 50 jobs that met our criteria for each personality type in this book, we
created lists that include those jobs with 15 percent or more part-time workers.

If you want to work part time, these lists will be helpful in identifying where most others
are fi nding opportunities for this kind of work in the personality type most compatible with
you. Many people prefer to work less than full time. For example, people who are attending
school or who have young children may prefer the fl exibility of part-time work. People also
work part time for money-related reasons, such as supplementing income from a full-time
job or working two or more part-time jobs because one desirable full-time job is not available.

If you are the Enterprising type of personality, you will note that few occupations suited to
you have a lot of part-timers. Keep in mind that even in occupations where few people work
part-time it may be possible for you to carve out a position for yourself that does not require
a 40-hour work week.

Many of these jobs can be learned quickly, off er fl exible work schedules, are easy to obtain,
and off er other desirable advantages. Although many people think of part-time jobs as
requiring few skills and providing low pay, this is not always the case. Some of these jobs pay
quite well, require substantial training or experience, or are growing rapidly.
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