michael s
(Michael S)
stomach ulcers.
Look for: The bulb should feel heavy for its size, with tightly closed
cloves in the bulb that remain firm when gently pressed. The skin can be
pure white or have purple-tinged stripes and should be tight fitting.
How to store: Place bulbs in a cool, dark, well-ventilated location for up to
1 month.
What’s inside: Anticancer lycopene and 120 percent of daily vitamin C
needs in 1 cup.
Look for: A heavy fruit (a sign of juiciness) with thin skin that is a tad
responsive to a squeeze. Small imperfections in color and skin surface
are not detrimental to the sweet-tart flavor. Yet, avoid any that are very
rough or have soft spots. The same criteria apply for oranges.
How to store: Refrigerate for up to 3 weeks.
What’s inside: Resveratrol, a potent antioxidant in red and purple grapes
that offers protection against cardiovascular disease.
Look for: Plump, wrinkle free, and firmly attached to the stems. There
should be no browning at the stem connection, but a silvery white
powder (“bloom”) keeps grapes, especially darker ones, fresher longer.
Red grapes are best if full-colored with no green tinge. Green grapes
with a yellowish hue are the ripest and sweetest.
How to store: Loosely store, unwashed, in a shallow bowl in the fridge for
up to 1 week.
What’s inside: Fiber (4 grams in 1 cup cooked), which can reduce
diseaserelated mortality, according to Dutch researchers.
Look for: Vibrant, smooth surface without any visible withering. They