Medieval Law and the Foundations of the State

(Elliott) #1

villeins 54, 104, 128, 134, 139, 141, 157,
211, 214, 217, 222–6
congregations of 249
the king’s 140, 225
see also serfs
Vincennes 162
Vindiciae contra tyrannos322–3
violence 32, 68, 75, 92, 152
of king and officials 129, 157–8, 161,
242–3, 246
viscounts (vicecomites) 17, 45–6, 49–50,
Visigoths 16
Vita Edwardi Secundi 177

wages and prices 227, 229, 250
Waldeck, Adolf count of 99
Wales 9, 199, 221, 237
bondmen of 221
law-books of 191–2
Wallingford, honour of 135
Walsingham, Sir Francis, principal secretary
Walter, Hubert, justiciar 136, 138
wardship 182, 187–8, 198, 209, 234
Warenne, earl 215
warranty of tenure 19, 92, 120, 129–32
private 71, 78–9, 113, 147, 226, 240
of religion 3, 284, 295, 318, 321–7
of the roses 299
‘war-state’ 263
countess of 180
earl of 268–70
waste, action for 188, 236
Wat Tyler 264
weapons, prohibited 98
weights and measures 64, 249, 259
Wenceslas, emperor 107
wergilds 80
Wessex, kingdom of 27, 45, 47, 80
Westminster hall, courts in 316
abbot and abbey of 176, 209, 213, 216
chancery at 181
court of king’s bench at 170
exchequer at 171
lawyers of 179
liberty of 215
meeting of the Commons in the abbey’s
chapter-house 265
meeting of three estates at 282
parliaments at 172, 174, 183, 186–7,
218, 234, 235, 264
provisions of 159, 173–4, 178, 238
statutes of 186–9, 238

secret courts of 107
towns of 102
Wetzlar 103
widows, special protection for 26, 71
wildban 84
William I, ‘the Conqueror’, king of England
65, 78–80, 195, 209, 212–13, 310, 340
laws of 195
William II, ‘Rufus’, king of England 77, 81,
William des Roches 118
William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham
wills 137, 169, 196
Wimbledon, manor of 210
Winchester 142
bishop of 181
statute of 249, 264
Windsor, parliaments at 171, 173
Wismar 104
witchcraft, French and English ordinances
on 250
Witley, men of 159
witnesses 33–4, 36, 92, 164–5, 182
see alsojuries; oath
Wittelsbach, Lewis of, duke of Bavaria and
Count Palatine of the Rhine 101, 103
Wolsey, cardinal 306
women, special protection for 87
woodland 120
Woodstock 138, 170–1
wool trade 228
bishop of 209, 213
church of 212
combinations of 250
as an estate 275
Worms 102, 202
wounding 75, 91, 112, 127, 155
writ-charter 17
writs (brevia) 19, 26, 34, 36, 81, 119, 122,
128–39, 146, 154–5, 161, 182, 187–8,
198, 234
de minis 243
de ultra mare 133
of entry 133
of inquisition of life and limb 136
of justicies 134
of peace 130–31
of pone 134
of praecipe 132
procedure without 178, 183
of prohibition 188
registers of 79, 98, 216, 242–4
of right 98, 131, 211

Index 391
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