34 | NewScientist | 8 September 2018
conditions. It found that many marine species
would probably be fine in increased salinity.
But some important ones, like giant kelp,
would be at risk. Dense strands of these tall
algae form underwater forests along the
California coastline, and their canopies are
home to a diverse range of species including
sea otters and urchins.
Giant kelp reproduces most successfully
at salinity levels between 25 and 35 parts per
thousand, says Michael Foster at California’s
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. With the
Pacific Ocean’s salinity already at 35 parts per
thousand, any increase might be problematic
for the kelp and the ecosystem it supports.
The water control board study also found that
red abalone, a prized edible mollusc, seems
to be highly sensitive to salinity increases.
Heather Cooley, director of research at
the Pacific Institute, a water think tank in
California, is alert to the unintended
consequences of brine disposal. “We don’t
really know what the impacts will be on the
marine environment,” she says.
Cooley has conducted an extensive review
of the evidence, for example looking at levels
of biodiversity and dissolved oxygen before
and after the installation of brine outflows
from desalination plants in Perth, Australia,
and elsewhere. The results are not easy to
interpret and do not necessary apply
elsewhere. Wave patterns, for instance,
significantly influence brine dispersion,
she says.
Still, the potential risks mean that most
desalination plants must already dilute their
brine before discharging it into the ocean.
That in itself is problematic. The stuff used for
the dilution is often cleaned-up waste water
or water used to cool industrial facilities. It is
clean enough to dump in the ocean but not
quite drinkable.
That whole procedure is drenched in irony.
Desalination plants are needed only where
there is a lack of fresh water, yet they are
taking fresh water that could be easily cleaned
to make it drinkable, and instead flushing it
into the sea. “Why aren’t we reusing that
water?” says Cooley. “You’re treating it, then
dumping it back in with desalination brine.
It just defies logic.”
Childress thinks innovative engineering
could stop this. In order to desalinate water,
you have to fight against its natural tendency
to flow from areas of low to high salt
concentration. But if you let nature take its
course – allowing forward, not reverse,
osmosis – it is possible to get more and
more water to flow across a salt-excluding
membrane into a container of brine,
increasing the pressure. That pressurised
water can be used to drive a turbine and
generate electricity in a process called
pressure-retarded forward osmosis (PRFO).
Add this stage to a reverse-osmosis
desalination plant and you not only dilute
the waste brine, you also get power that can
be fed back into the process or used however
you like (see diagram, below).
Hybrid systems like this do not work
perfectly yet. The first such facility, opened in
2009 and operated by Norwegian company
Statkraft, closed after five years because it
didn’t generate enough electricity to justify
the building and operating costs. Childress is
currently modelling similar systems in her lab
to see if they can be made successful, though
the details are under wraps.
There are hopeful signs elsewhere. Neal
Tai-Shung Chung, a chemical engineer at the
National University of Singapore, says his
lab has developed the technology to a point
where it makes economic sense. It comes not
a moment too soon in his home country.
“We don’t have energy and we don’t have
water,” he says. Singapore buys a significant
amount of water from neighbouring Malaysia,
but the arrangement is set to expire in 35 years
and has long been a political football.
Chung’s group set up a test system based
on essentially the same idea as the Statkraft
plant, but using the team’s own improved
membranes. When the researchers ran the
set-up for 500 hours, feeding it municipal
waste water and seawater, its power
consumption was just 1 watt per cubic metre
of desalinated water made, a quarter of what
is typically needed for reverse osmosis alone.
A Singapore research incubator has taken up
the designs and is planning a larger pilot plant.
Ultimate utopia
Some want to take desalination even further.
Carry on removing water from brine, and you
eventually get pure water and salt. Childress
calls it the “ultimate utopian” desalination
process. The technical name for it is zero liquid
discharge (ZLD) desalination. Anyone who
pulls off the feat would get three-fold rewards:
zero brine, maximum fresh water and a haul
of valuable compounds. In some cases that
includes lithium salts, which would provide
the crucial component of our best batteries.
“It’s amazing how much work has been
done on this,” says Christopher Bellona,
“ The ideal desalination
process will reap valuable
minerals, not just water”
Dilution solution
Desalination produces concentrated brine. Pumping this back out to sea is a potential problem for
the environment, but diluting it wastes water that could be otherwise recycled. Extracting energy
from the dilution could make it worthwhile
Salt water from the sea
Water treatment plant
Concentrated brine
returned to the sea or...
...mixed with treated
water before being
returned to the sea
Pressure used to
drive a turbine
producing electricity