Table 6
Assessing the Patient for Category A Agents (
Pathogen(incubation period)
Systemic symptoms
Central nervoussystem
Skin and mucousmembranes
Subclinical plague
In endemic areas, the
prevalence ofpositive serologyrises by 10 fold inasymptomaticindividuals duringperiods of increaseddisease activity.
Plague pharyngitis
Plague bacillus has
been isolated fromthroat swabs ofasymptomaticpersons, but long-term carriage hasnot beendocumented.
Disease resembles
acute tonsillitisaccompanied byinflamed anteriorcervical nodes.
Pestis minor
Mild febrile illness with
local lymph-adenopathy.
Septicemic plague
(Pestis siderans)
Occurs in 26% of
cases of bubonicplague. Rapidlydeveloping diseaseand deterioration.
70% have GI
symptoms withsecondarysepticemic plague.
Plague meningitis
(appears betweenthe 9th and 17thday of bubonicplague)
Caused by spread
from septicemicdisease. Patientswith axillary buboesare at increased riskof developingmeningitis, but maypresent withoutlymph-adenopathy.
Kernig’s sign, seizures,
vestibulocerebellarsymptoms, coma.
446 Cleri et al.