AJAX - The Complete Reference

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Chapter 8: User Interface Design for Ajax 357

the deletion. Visually, the cursor can be changed on mouseover, and you may also define
some hover effect to outline or color to encourage selection.

.deleteBtn {cursor: pointer;}

Binding the trigger event (double- or single-click) to a list item can be done in the HTML
code directly:

<ol id="todoList" class="editable">
<li id="item1">Item #1
<img src="trash.gif" onclick="confirmDelete(this) ;"></li>
<li id="item1">Item #2
<img src="trash.gif" onclick="confirmDelete(this) ;"></li>

However, a more appropriate way would be to associate the edit actions by inspecting
the classes of tags and binding the edit functions automatically. The library function
AjaxTCR.util.DOM.getElementsBySelector() is used to address this. In a function
bound to window.onload, all the list items that are in a list with a class named editable
are selected. To each of these list items, the delete icon (in this example a trash can) is added
and then bound to the function confirmDelete(), which will verify that the delete
should happen.

window.onload = function ()

var listItems = AjaxTCR.util.DOM.getElementsBySelector("OL.editable li");
for (var j = 0; j < listItems.length; j++)
var listItem = listItems[j];
var spanWrapper = document.createElement("span");
while (listItem.childNodes.length > 0)
spanWrapper.appendChild(listItem.firstChild );

var deleteImage = document.createElement("img");
deleteImage.src = "trash.gif";
deleteImage.className = "deleteBtn";
deleteImage.onclick = function(e) {return confirmDelete(this

There are a few more details to this step, as shown in the preceding code. In particular,
notice the insertion of a <span> tag around the contents of each <li> tag. This wrapper tag
is useful to show and hide items and is a necessary hack as is so often the case with DOM
When the user clicks the trash icon for a particular list item, the confirmDelete()
function is called, passing the particular list item to delete. This function is fairly
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